Trina Solar 500w TSM-DE18M(II) Vertex Mono PERC

Main Features

High Customer Value

  • Lower LCOE (Levelized Cost Of Energy), reduced BOS (Balance Of System) cost, shorter payback time
  • Lower guaranteed rst year and annual degradation
  • Designed for compatibility with existing mainstream system components
  • Higher return on Investment
  • High power Mono Perc up to 500w
  • Large area cells based on 210mm silicon wafers and 1/3-cut cell technology
  • Up to 21.1% module eciency with high density interconnect technology
  • Multi-busbar technology for better light trapping eect, lower series resistance and improved current collection

High Reliability

  • Minimized micro-cracks with innovative non-destructive cutting technology
  • Ensured PID resistance through cell process and module material control
  • Resistant to harsh environments such as saltammonia, sand, high temperature and high humidity areas
  • Mechanical performance up to 5400 Pa positive load and 2400 Pa negative load

High Energy Yield

  • Excellent IAM (Incident Angle Modier) and low irradiation performance,
    validated by 3rd party certications
  • The unique design provides optimized energy production under inter-row
    shading conditions
  • Lower temperature coecient (-0.36%) and operating temperature


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